Superior Media Blasting Service in Kalamazoo

High Performance Metal Finishing offers media blasting capabilities to safely and effectively prepare metal surfaces for just about any type of application you have in mind. This efficient method of metal preparation can be used to smooth out rougher surfaces, properly shape metal surfaces, and remove contaminants from metal surfaces, ensuring that the metal is ready for any additional processes. In today’s post, we will take a closer look at the process behind using media blasting and the types of metals that we can successfully prepare through this process.
Equipped to Handle Various Metals of Various Sizes
High Performance Metal Finishing has the proper equipment and facilities for successful media blasting. We have blast cabinets for smaller applications, but we also have a larger blast room that can accommodate much larger metal applications. We use small glass beads to blast stainless steel for a smooth, even finish, but we also have the ability to perform media blasting on carbon, steel, aluminum, or just about any other alloy.
Our Proven Media Blasting Process
We approach every media blasting project with the same basic process, ensuring a strict attention to detail and unbeatable results every time, no matter how big or small your project is.
Metal Preparation – we begin by making sure that any critical spots, like bearing surfaces, spindles, or machined areas are properly protected and do not suffer any damage during the media blasting process.
Media Blasting – using a number of different blasting techniques and media (sand, glass beads, and others) we complete the necessary blasting, using on of our blasting cabinets or our larger blasting room, depending on the size of the project.
Post-Treatment – we have the capability to re-dust or strip off older paint to prepare the surface for a new coat of paint or powder coating.
Clean Room – once the metal surfaces have been properly blasted, they must be kept free from contaminants in order for paint or powder coating to be completed successfully. We make sure all parts that have been blasted are immediately moved into the clean room to prevent these contaminants.
The experts at High Performance Metal Finishing can provide superior media blasting for a number of industries, including sheet metal fabrication, boats and marine work, home appliances, automotive, medical, architectural, furniture, and more. For more information about our media blasting services or to schedule service for the project you have in mind, please contact us today!